InWix EngineeringbyNatan SilnitskyEvent Driven Architecture — 5 Pitfalls to Avoid5 pitfalls that Wix engineers have encountered and fixed during their migration of more than 2000 microservices to Event Driven…Aug 14, 202214Aug 14, 202214
InbakdatabyBenjamin FeldmannSolving my weird Kafka Rebalancing ProblemsImagine you are working on your Kafka Streams application. You deploy it to Kubernetes, wait a few hours, and suddenly … What’s happening?Sep 22, 202013Sep 22, 202013
InDev GeniusbyVictor AlekseevExceptions and Retry Policy in Kafka”Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong”Feb 10, 20212Feb 10, 20212
Sunny GargKafka Log Retention and Cleanup PoliciesApache Kafka provides two types of Retention Policies.Jul 28, 20196Jul 28, 20196
InStreamThoughtsbyFlorian HussonnoisUnderstanding Kafka partition assignment strategies and how to write your own custom assignorKafka Clients allows you to implement your own partition assignment strategies for consumers. This can be very useful to adapt to specificNov 20, 20194Nov 20, 20194
InTributary DatabyDunith DanushkaUnderstanding Kafka Topic PartitionsEverything in Kafka is modeled around partitions. They rule Kafka’s storage, scalability, replication, and message movement.Mar 29, 202125Mar 29, 202125
InStreamThoughtsbyFlorian HussonnoisApache Kafka Rebalance Protocol, or the magic behind your streams applicationsSince Apache Kafka 2.3.0, the internal Rebalance Protocol, which is especially used by Kafka Connect and consumers, has undergone several…Nov 5, 201913Nov 5, 201913